32 hours
This course consists of classroom lectures, demonstrations, discussions and hands-on practice exercises. Covered topics are related to real-world examples and applications.
The training module consists of classroom lectures in which Motoman instructors present course material consisting of programming commands reinforced with demonstrations. The commands and topics are related to real-world examples and applications. Students enhance the materials covered in the lectures with actual hands-on programming. Students work in teams to perform workshop exercises which emphasize the topics covered in class lectures. Classes are kept small in size, in order to promote an interactive, hands-on learning atmosphere. This allows the students to work with each other and YMC instructors in order to grasp the concepts of operating a robot.
The DX100 Advanced Programming Course is an advanced course for the programming of Motoman DX100 industrial robots. This class is not intended for beginner students. It is designed for students who are proficient at programming robots or who have taken the DX100 Basic Programming Class. If you have no experience programming robots, the outcome may not meet your expectations. If you do not meet the experience criteria for this class, you may want to consider attending the Motoman DX100 Basic Programming class first.
Basic computer skills are required. Electrical Safety Knowledge is preferred.
Primary topics include: